Survivors First Act Vacatur Petitions Training

Please join us for an upcoming training on Survivors First Act vacatur petitions, to be held on March 10, 2025 from 9-11am via Zoom. This training is an exciting opportunity for attorneys to learn the knowledge and skills needed to represent victims and survivors of human trafficking who were convicted of criminal offenses as a result…

Trauma-Informed Legal Representation for Youth in Sexual-Abuse-to-Prison Pipeline

CEASE Clinic Director Emma Hetherington and Legal Intern Copelenn McMahon (’23) published “Trauma-Informed Legal Representation for Youth in Sexual-Abuse-to-Prison Pipeline” along with School of Social Work Assistant Professor Allison Dunnigan in the American Bar Association’s Committee on Children’s Rights Litigation Newsletter. The article discusses how legal systems and stakeholders often criminalize behavioral trauma responses of…

Decriminalizing Victims of Child Sex Trafficking

CEASE recently released its policy brief, Child Sex Trafficking and Enhancing Georgia Responses, providing an overview of how common misunderstandings about the realities of child sex trafficking prevent the identification of victims, resulting in survivors being treated more like adult criminals than child victims. Despite Georgia’s commitment to the protection of survivors of child sex…

What the Eliminating Limits to Justice for Child Sexual Abuse Victims Act of 2022 Means for Survivors in Georgia

 On Friday September 16, 2022, President Joe Biden signed the Eliminating Limits to Justice for Child Sexual Abuse Victims Act, which eliminates the statute of limitations (SOL) for civil personal injury claims arising from acts in violation of certain federal laws. While the legislation increases access to civil justice for some survivors of child sexual…

Recording of Webinar on SB 435

If you missed the 2020 CEASE Webinar on SB435: Vacatur and Record Restriction for Survivors of Trafficking in Georgia, you can view the recording here: The webinar featured Camila Zolfaghari, Executive Director at Street Grace; Brenda Smeeton, Legal Director at Georgia Justice Project; Erin Donohue-Koehler, Pro Bono Coordinator at Georgia Justice Project; and Brian Atkinson, Staff Attorney…

Recording of Webinar on COVID-19 and the Increase in Online Child Exploitation

If you missed the 2020 CEASE Webinar on COVID-19 and the Increase in Online Child Exploitation, you can view the recording here: The webinar featured Adam Dodge, Founder of EndTAB, an organization that works with State Courts, Universities, Title IX offices, Nonprofits, Healthcare Systems, Law Enforcement Agencies, High Schools, Law Firms, and Social Service Providers in…

Watch the CEASE Webinar on CSEC, Bias, and Litigating Race

CEASE hosted the first installment of its Fall Webinar Series on October 8, 2020. Shomari Ward and Cait Mullen from the Juvenile Rights Division of the Legal Aid Society of New York joined 3L Victoria Hicks to discuss how bias negatively affects survivors of the commercial and sexual exploitation of children, particularly Black girls. A recording of the…

Civil Statutes of Limitation 2020 White Paper

The Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation (CEASE) Clinic has completed its 2020 White Paper on Civil Statutes of Limitation for Child Sexual Abuse and Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking. Read the full version here: Civil Statutes of Limitation for Child Sexual Abuse and Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking.

Daily Report Highlights CEASE Clinic’s White Paper

Fulton County Daily Report took an in-depth look at CEASE Clinic’s White Paper, published April 8, 2019, and highlighted its findings that civil access to the judicial system in Georgia remains difficult for those who have been victims of sexual abuse. Read the full article