CEASE Clinic Staff Attorney Brian Atkinson and Director Emma Hetherington’s chapter “Child Trafficking” was recently published in the newest edition of Child Welfare Law and Practice: Representing Children, Parents, and Agencies in Neglect, Abuse, and Dependency Cases, commonly referred to as the “Red Book”.
“Designed initially as a study guide for attorneys preparing to take the Child Welfare Law Specialist certification exam, the Red Book now serves as a day-to-day guide for child welfare advocates in every state, offering in-depth analysis and instruction on a wide variety of topics relevant to the current climate in the child welfare space. Whether you represent children, parents, agencies, or serve as a judge in child welfare matters, this book is a fundamental resource.”
Atkinson and Hetherington’s chapter covers an overview of child trafficking and its correlation with the foster care system; relevant federal and state legislation; diversion programs and treatment courts; risk factors; barriers to identification of victimization; the disproportionate impact of trafficking on Black and Brown children, particularly Black girls, and LGBTQ+ youth; and practical guidance for attorneys representing survivors.
In addition to Atkinson and Hetherington’s chapter on child trafficking, the new edition of the Red Book includes new chapters on LGBTQ+ youth, racial justice, representing parents and children with disabilities, multidisciplinary advocacy and more. For more on the Red Book and NACC, visit http://bit.ly/3z5ECjO